I’m a little late posting this but it’s been an absolutely crazy time!
Between the regular business of summer and flu season starting at work, I’ve had my hands full. Plus, I caught the weird virus that’s going around like wildfire so honestly, my energy has just been sapped.
So, what does that mean for my goals?
Paying off Debt:
We managed to pay off about $3,000 in debt in August. Now that we’re down to the two giant loans, it’s harder to see progress, but we’re trying to keep motivated.
We have some upcoming expenses that we’re budgeting for, so some of the money we’d normally put towards debt we are holding on to this month. More on that to come later in the month!
Getting Healthy:
This was an epic fail again. I broke my toe towards the beginning of the month and all exercise was put to a stop then. Very quickly thereafter, the food choices followed suit.
My goal for this month is to continue to make smarter choices without following a strict plan. We are trying to eat down the pantry, fridge and freezer so I won’t be following any specific plans but I’ve been maintaining, so will shoot for that this month and then start fresh next month with specific goals.
Write more Posts:
Obviously, I’ve failed at this. I’m thankful to those of you who are sticking with me even though I fell off the face of the earth for a couple of weeks!
I will continue to make an effort to post more regularly, my goal is at least twice per week. I love sharing with all of you and the support you provide is so encouraging when I have an off month like this past one!
Sounds like a tough couple of weeks! Glad to see you back and I’ll be rooting for ya as you continue your journey to fiscal and physical well-being.
SavvyJames recently posted…Smoke ‘Em If You Got ‘Em … or Not
Thanks, James! I appreciate the support!
Flu season at the office is something I definitely don’t miss! Working from home is much healthier than the Petri dish that was my old work place.
Salad season is starting here so I’m planning a kick start to shed some stress and insomnia weight that’s been hanging around way too long. Healthy eating is often one of the first things to disappear when life gets crazy but it’s the one thing we probably need the most!
Good luck!!!
diane @smartmoneysimplelife recently posted…The Hidden Value of a Good Goof Off Day
It’s true that you can lose site of what you really need to work on when things get hectic, but that just means we need to push that much harder! Thanks for the input and hopefully we’ll reach our goals together! ?